William Blatter

William Blatter


  • Bernischer Anwaltsverband (BAV)

  • Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)


  • Benjamin Domenig I William Blatter
    Fallstricke bei der vertrauensärztlichen Untersuchung, Der HR-Profi 5/2023, S. 1-3

  • Benjamin Domenig I William Blatter
    Ferienlohn: Unregelmässige Beschäftigung, Newsletter Arbeitsrecht 5/2023, S. 11-12

  • Lukas Breu I William Blatter
    Pflicht zur Herausgabe des Personaldossiers, Newsletter Arbeitsrecht 7/2023, S. 11-12

  • William Blatter I Lukas Breu
    Aufhebungsvereinbarung: Diese Fehler sollten Sie vermeiden, Newsletter Arbeitsrecht 01/2024, S. 8-9

  • William Blatter I Lukas Breu
    Neuerungen im Arbeitsrecht, Newsletter Arbeitsrecht 02/2024, S. 5-6

  • William Blatter I Lukas Breu
    Anordnung Ferienbezug während Kündigungsfrist, Newsletter Arbeitsrecht 05/2024, S. 10-11

Labor law

Our field of activity in labor law includes advising our clients in all matters of labor law. 

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Compliance and investigations

Our practice area includes any matter related to governance, compliance and white collar criminal law, as well as internal and external investigations.

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Insolvency law and restructuring

Our team advises companies, boards of directors, officers and creditors on all matters related to insolvency and restructuring.

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Project management

Our field of activity in the context of project management includes in particular compliance projects.

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Our experienced attorneys represent our clients in all business law, civil law and administrative law matters.

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Contract law

Our attorneys have extensive experience in all contractual matters. We advise our clients on national as well as international issues and transactions.

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